Ten Ways Every Christian Can Care for the Orphan
- Plead with the Father for them. Pray as a family and a church. Remember that pesky little passage in James: Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
- Speak up for them. Find a waiting child and pray for that child. www.adoptuskids.org
- Give them what they need. Support missions to orphanages. www.helporphans.org
- Support those who support them. Mow a foster parent's yard, or take them meals. Pray for a local child welfare social worker. My church family threw us a LiLi shower.
- Provide them a safe place. Become an emergency foster parent, build an orphanage. www.worldorphans.org. Check out the Dix's Lamb Center in the Philippines. www.sonnydix.com
- Go visit them. My friend Melanie regularly goes to serve in orphanages in Russia, connecting with the children there. Hard, yes, but glorious!
- Give sacrificially to them. www.shaohannahshope.com, www.carolinespromise4u.org.
- Cheer them on. Sponsor a child. www.compassion.com, www.holtintl.org
- Give them a forever family. There are many adoption agencies. Ours is at www.awaa.org.
- Mobilize your church for them. www.hopefororphans.com
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