Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Coming Home

I can't believe it's been two weeks in China--our lives so different in just fourteen days. We're all ready to come home, though we have enjoyed being with LiLi in Guangzhou. We spent the day today shopping, the five of us and the cab driver in a wee small VW. Then, we went to the US Consulate and she was sworn in, with about 40 babies, as an American citizen.
She had a meltdown tonight, when parting ways with Dean and Corinne, as they went to another part of the city. She wouldn't be comforted, and I did all the Momma tricks I could think of, plus prayed like crazy for help and her peace. Eventually, she calmed down--have no idea what it was about except that the combination of sister and dad walking away, fatigue, and the luggage on the bed probably scared her.
LiLi is sleeping peacefully now, and for the moment, all is well.
Please pray for a safe and delightful flight home, all 24 hours of it. We need the presence of our Heavenly Father more than anything.
I can't wait to see you all and for you to get to know LiLi--she is fearfully and wonderfully made, indeed.